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  International Hors d' Oeuvres - Demo in Waterleaf Art Store, Ramsey, NJ - November 2008  
  Dear Chef Blazena:
Enjoyed so much the evening and the food! ...Till the next time

Loved the class! You taught me that simple things can be delicious and elegant. And I can make them now too:) ...

Great to see you again! As always, enjoyed myself. Good times, Good friends, Delicious food! Looking forward to the next time we meet...

Chef Blazena:
Great time! Good food and things I could make. Lots of great ideas for the holidays and parties! Hope to see you soon again!...

Blazena: it was a great learning experience. Great food too!...

Blazena, thank you so much for the great ideas...

Blazena: this was an evening of blessings!..Love and Thank you!...

May, Eileen, Deirdre, Renee, Dianne, Janet, Carol, Ilena, Tracy ...the participants

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